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Jan 8th, 2013

We live in a world where we aim for comfort and convenience. This has led us to unhealthy living habits and harmful environmental practices. Fortunately, there are things we can do to address both issues in our own little way and turn things around. 1. Ride a bike to work. Riding a bike to work […]


Sep 19th, 2012

For most Americans, working at the office means eight hours of being stuck in a chair. If you want to lose weight, a desk job may not be the perfect environment for you unless you get creative. Office workers who want to lose weight need to find ways to eat right, stay active, and get […]


Jul 23rd, 2012

Summer is a great time to start and establish an exercise routine. We all know the many benefits of exercise but most of us can barely keep up with it. An effective exercise regimen combines aerobic, weight training, and stretching to be fully effective. The following are tips on how to start your workout schedule. […]

Jul 6th, 2012

Sugary soda drinks can spell a big difference in your weight loss plan. A single can of soda has an average of 155 calories while a 20 ounce serving can pack more than 200 calories. Soda may have very little or no fat, but they are overloaded with sugar owing to their use of high-fructose […]

Jul 3rd, 2012

Are you trying to lose weight but having a hard time controlling your appetite? Does thinking about eating less make you hungry more? You may think  that this is too good to be true but researchers from Tel Aviv University suggest that eating dessert at breakfast can actually help you lose weight. People usually eat […]


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