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So few answers

Aug 19th, 2014

answersYou are operating a business and it is just you, a single gentleman or maybe even a single woman. You are very savvy within the business community, after years of being employed with a large corporation.  Never once in all the years of being an employee, did you have to give a thought to medical insurance coverage. Under the group insurance policy obtained by your former employer the cost was probably not a factor to you. Under one of the many New York Insurance Companies your former employer kept up the premium payments for you.  Now, being self employed and devoting all of your time and energy into a small business of your own, insurance coverage living in New York has now become a top priority. Know what you are looking for in a new policy and then try to match those ideas with any one of the various insurance policies that are offering medical coverage for the self employed. Small group health insurance is one possibility that might interest you because medical insurance for the small start up company does come at a cost. Remember the main objective is to ascertain the best possible insurance coverage at the most reasonable expense. You could gather up information on an individual policy, but what happens if your business begins to grow and you require additional insurance? There are so many questions and very few answers. Unless, you learn where and how to do your homework you will feel lost. If you are still in doubt there is a booklet that you can read at your leisure to help you make the right decision. It is called the Small Business Health Insurance and it is a complete guide to walk you through the system in a few reasonably easy steps. If you find you still need further assistance in your quest you can also check with the seat of government for the state of New York. Where you live also plays a role as to what your insurance premiums will be. There are minimum requirements, but it is very simple to figure out. You must have at least two employees operating your small business and no more than fifty employees. If you are convinced you do not fall into this category you could always research the cost of an individual policy and the necessary coverage included. Be aware the insurance policy premiums may be high in the case of an individual plan. Only because there are no others contributing to the policy. The choice is your so be sure to take it slow and understand what you are getting involved in.

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