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Employer Costs with Health Care

Feb 2nd, 2012

employer costs with health careAll employers across the country from small businesses to large corporations are continuing to brace and hold their breath to see how the coming years develop now that the health reform bill is taking hold. They are in agreement that this is not going to be a prosperous or profitable year, but each one is trying to make the best of what they have to work with. Here is some information about employer costs with health care.

The new affordable health insurance is going to cost employers more money and that is only for those employers who made the decision to continue to offer full or partial insurance plans to their employees. There are many new rules, laws, and regulations that are about to take place and only time will tell if this health care reform is going to work or fail.

There are many new laws that are falling into place with the health reform, but the main one the employers and employees are paying attention to are the following.

1. All insurance policies are now double and triple in cost

2. Insurance providers are mandated to remove the lifetime limits attached to all insurance policies

3. Insurance providers and employers are mandated to add or continue health coverage for employees with children under the age of twenty-six

4. The restriction of insurance plans that are grandfathered in

5. The ultimate onset of higher health insurance premiums

6. The increase in employee contributions towards employer sponsored health insurance

7. Higher out of pocket expense for all insurance recipients

The once low cost health insurance that employers would offer their current employees through the group insurance plan is now anything but affordable. It is an additional expense for the employer and an additional expense for the current employee. How this will eventually help all citizens with the health costs rising faster and higher is beyond reason.

There are many employers who have made the decision to eliminate the offering of insurance to the current and future employees. This move mandates the employee to search on the outside for a temporary individual health insurance plan that will fit into their budget.

In the current climate, this is not going to be an easy task to fulfill. The health coverage is reduced to bare minimum and the cost is more than it has ever been. The only other option for the employees is to enroll with a state insurance plan, which is government-run.

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