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Unhealthy ‘Health Foods’

May 15th, 2012

Health foodsWhen we see these words on product labels we think they’re health foods: “multigrain”, “no added sugar”, “no cholesterol”, “no trans fat”. But that’s not really the case. They may not have sugar or cholesterol but they have other ingredients that are just as bad for our health. There are actually a lot of foods that fooled people into thinking they’re the healthy alternative. Here are some:

Multi-grain. Multi-grain products are thought to be healthy because of the whole grain it’s supposed to contain. Whole grains are good for the heart. But they may not actually have whole grains. Check the label if it really contains whole grain or just refined flour which has no health benefits at all.

Dried fruits. Because they’re fruits, they’re rich in antioxidants that protect and repair damaged cells. However they are loaded with sugar and cholesterol.

Granola bars. Energy bars are often associated with weight loss.  They are actually loaded with  sugar and fat.

Smoothies. Smoothies are healthy if they’re made from fresh fruits and low-fat milk. But the smoothies we buy often include a lot of sugar or syrup they end up becoming a high-calorie drink.

Turkey burgers.  People believe that turkey meat has less calories compared to beef but a beef patty actually has about 150 less calories compared to turkey.

Bran muffin. Contains sugar and refined flour which will shoot up your blood sugar but will leave you feeling tired only after a few hours.

Diet soda. The reason why people opt for diet sodas instead of regular sodas is to veer away from sugar. But guess what? The artificial sweeteners that are harmful to your health and may even lead to type 2 diabetes.

Yogurt with artificial fruit at the bottom. Yogurt is good but mixing it with artificial fruit is what makes it wrong. The high sugar content ruins the good bacteria.


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