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FAQs About The Healthy NY Announcement Answered

Nov 7th, 2011

Healthy NYHealthy NY had announced that beginning January 1, 2012, the only plans that will be available to applicants are the two high deductible health plans (HDHP) – HDHP with drug coverage and HDHP without drug coverage. Healthy New York will no longer be offering HMO (health maintenance organization) plans to new enrollees. Because of this announcement, a lot of Healthy NY members are wondering where they stand and how this will affect their coverage.

The first thing that Healthy New York members should know is that this announcement only pertains to incoming members. Applicants whose coverage will be effective starting January 1, 2012, and onwards. If you are already a Healthy NY member, you and your dependent’s coverage will not be affected. However, there may be instances when existing members will be subject to the change.

FAQ1: I am currently enrolled in a Healthy NY HMO plan. Do I need to change my plan or can I keep my coverage?
Answer: No. You don’t have to change your plan. You can keep your coverage as it is.

FAQ2: If I currently have an HMO plan and I want to switch to another HMO plan under a different carrier, will I be affected by the announcement?
Answer: Yes. For those switching carriers, you will be considered new members. In this regard, you will be subject to the Healthy NY change. You will have to enroll in the HDHP plans.

FAQ3: I am covered under an HMO with a drug coverage plan but I am planning to switch to an HMO plan without drug coverage. Can I do this?
Answer: Yes. A member may switch between the two HMO plans.

FAQ4: I wish to add a dependent to my Healthy NY HMO plan. Will this make me lose my HMO coverage?
Answer: No. You may add or remove dependents to your HMO plan. This won’t require you to change to an HDHP plan.

FAQ5: For small business group plans, does adding or removing an employee/s require me to change to an HDHP plan?
Answer: No. You may add or remove dependents to your group plan. This won’t require you to change to an HDHP plan.

FAQ6: My current plan is on grandfathered status. Will my plan be affected?
Answer: No. For as long as you keep your plan as it is, your plan won’t be affected.

FAQ7: I am currently covered in an HDHP plan can I switch to an HMO plan?
Answer: You can switch to an HMO plan provided that the effective date will be before January 1, 2012.

If you have further questions, send your inquiries to [email protected]. or call (212) 709-3500.

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