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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for 2014 -6

Oct 18th, 2010

the patient protection and affordable care actThe questions that arise while reading this aspect of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are like reading the wish list for a shopping expedition and not a health insurance proposal with the health and welfare of the citizenry. Stories of just this are beginning to surface and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not anywhere near being fully effective yet.

Now granted there are amongst us, senior citizens who do have assets they can sell to help pay part of the costs for health care when they are involved in a catastrophic situation and this has been overlooked for many years now. These are the few senior citizens in our community who own their own homes, two cars, a small yacht, and a Class-A Motor Home and still expect the government through our tax dollars to pay for all their health insurance expenses.

These are the senior citizens who demanded a free prescription medication program at the expense of their own children and grandchildren. The thought of taking responsibility for them was out of the question. There are other senior citizens who really believe that when they turned sixty-five years of age they were entitled to everything they wanted and it has to be free, including health insurance.

The group of seniors who have very little and are only trying to sustain their quality of life as every citizen is does need help with their health care needs from time to time. Where and when did they ever get the idea that everything they want or need must be free? Now we will move on to the next piece in The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that will become effective on January 1, 2014.

  1. Revenue increases from a new two thousand five hundred dollar limit on tax-free contributions to flexible spending accounts or FSA’s, which allow for payment of health costs.
  2. Chain restaurants and food vendors with twenty or more locations are required to display the caloric content of their foods on menus, drive-through menus, and vending machines. Additional information, such as saturated fat, carbohydrate, and sodium content, must also be made available upon request.

Does this mean the government is now going to take over our health insurance and our choices of what to eat and what not to eat? Have any of you tasted government-controlled foods such as cheese? Is this just another way for the government to control another aspect of the free market under the guise of they just want to help you with your health insurance choices?

Will a government agent be there to weigh us, check our teeth, take our blood pressure, and limit not only what we eat, but also how much we eat? Is this really any concern of the government? You have heard the old saying, our parents ate red meat, fatty foods, and won their wars, and can we say the same?

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