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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for 2014 -4

Sep 9th, 2010

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActHow will married couples fare under this new health insurance reform? How will families with children fare under this new health insurance reform? It does seem there are more questions than there are answers.

  1. Under the Class Act provision, create a new voluntary long-term insurance program; enrollees who have paid premiums into the program and become eligible, due to disability or chronic illnesses, would receive benefits that pay for assistance in the home or in a facility.

This particular entry is extremely vague as it does not state what long-term health insurance program and who is volunteering. Why would any citizen volunteer to be registered in a long-term health insurance program? This sounds more like a referral to the high-risk health insurance policies, which are the most expensive health insurance policies.

The high-risk health insurance policy is what all citizens with any form of pre-existing condition will be registered with at a top dollar cost that many today are unable to afford. Just another reason why so many citizens forfeit their health insurance coverage or those who are eligible will be under the Medicaid health insurance plan.

  1. Employed individuals who pay more than 9.5% of their income on health insurance premiums will be permitted to purchase insurance policies from a state-controlled health insurance option.

This sure does sound like the single-payer health insurance system the government has been trying so hard to put into place. Now let us try to do the math on this one just for a few minutes. We all know that the employers are not going to absorb the additional cost of supplying their employees with this new health insurance without the employee paying even more per payday.

There are many small business employers who pay the health insurance monthly premiums in full at no initial cost to their employees, but this new health insurance system will change a few things.  Most if not all of the small business, employers will now be forced to pass this health insurance cost along to their employees or run the risk of closing their doors for the last time.

The other part of this health insurance equation is that this particular entry to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act does not specify if this is to be based on gross wages or net wages. When you take the government figures, what your current gross salary is does not state your net salary. If your small business employer was absorbing the health insurance cost and now it is being passed along to you what happens?

A twelve thousand dollar health insurance policy equals one thousand dollars per month for a family health insurance policy of which your employer may pay half. This does not help you, nor does it help your employer.

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