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New Health Care Cost to You

Aug 27th, 2010

health careThe government in all its wisdom has put a price tag on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and it is about time you were enlightened further to what it can cost you and your family.  The standard health insurance for a family is now capped at thirteen thousand dollars and for an individual at nine thousand five hundred dollars.

If you, through your employer have or attain an affordable health insurance policy that exceeds what the government mandate is will be taxed for exceeding the government-mandated recommendation. If your new affordable health insurance policy is paid through your employer and a portion of that health insurance policy is deducted from your salary each payday, hold on to your wallet.

It will now cost you more to maintain a mandated health insurance policy that is worthless when you need, or your family needs to see a medical health care provider. The waiting period to see a medical health care provider can be as long as three months. How well with this play out when your child has a high fever and you want to make an appointment with a pediatrician.

You may have had a pediatrician you were seeing in the past, but under the rules, laws, and regulations of this new health insurance bill you will not know whom you will be taking your child to see because many medical health care providers are leaving the system. Fewer medical health care providers and the addition of about thirty million more individuals added to the health insurance roster will cause a logjam of sizeable proportions.

Then there are the thousands of union employees who have a much sweeter than average health insurance plan, costing about twenty-five thousand dollars a year to twenty -seven thousand dollars a year. Those union employees who choose to keep their current health insurance policy will be taxed at the rate of forty percent per health insurance policy, per year. Now that is a great present from the government who leaned on the union members, right.

We the people are about to reach the saturation point where it makes it unproductive to continue to remain in an employers employ. By the time all the old taxes and the additional taxes are levied, along with health insurance costs, it is almost pointless to continue working. Where will all of this leave you and your family? Will you be able to hold on and get through this with the intention of better days ahead?

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