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Young Self-Employed

Dec 11th, 2009

self-employedThe young adults coming into the market of purchasing insurance in the New York area are a big draw. Couple this with the young self-employed and you have a combination that all the insurance companies today are vying for in one way or another. Many of the health insurance companies are beginning to tailor their individual policies to entice the young entrepreneur to take a second look.

One of the more pronounced changes going on today is for the insurance companies to convince the individual entrepreneur to absorb more of the medical costs through a higher deductible. This does seem to be working though because many of the young entering into carrying their own insurance policies likes the additional changes. Let us face it; they are young and very healthy so to carry a higher deductible at this point in their lives really does not matter much.

Now the young entrepreneur has an opportunity for fewer than one hundred dollars to have an abridged version of a health care policy which will work just fine for the time being. If they inquire further the young entrepreneur could inquire about upgrading the insurance policy as he or she grows older. What the individual entrepreneur will receive in return are the following.

1.               Office visit co-payments  – $30.00 – $50.00 per office visit

2.               In network deductible  – Two to four thousand dollars

3.               Outpatient surgery

4.               The Hospital inpatient services

5.               Prescription drug coverage

This will help reduce the overall costs and help with the low cost health insurance while the young entrepreneur focuses attention in growing a new business. There are other forms of insurance that the young entrepreneur has to concern with so just to have the medical insurance taken care of will help free up time.

One of the difficulties with this new streamline type of medical insurance is when the individual begins to develop illnesses later on. Then this type of insurance is a reduction in the benefits the young entrepreneur is able to be covered. It will be at this time the individual will need to look for an adjustment to the affordable health insurance and see what other types are available.

It is interesting as the various facts are clearly and precisely in detail through this site and we offer many other options for the young entrepreneur that might be of interest as well. These are only a few of the options that are currently available.

"Vista Health Solutions" Tel (888)215-4045 Email [email protected]