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Advantage of Self Employment (Part I)

Aug 18th, 2009

self employmentTrying to make a niche is not as easy to accomplish, as it seems. There is so much behind the scene work that goes on, along with a fundamental understanding of all that is required. One of the differences is you will no longer be able to rely on a base line or regular income. The other difference is in locating medical health insurance that you can afford. Gone are the days of only paying a portion of the monthly premium and your employer paying the main portion.

You have reached a point in your life when self reliance and independence carry a very special meaning, but where do you begin?  You will need to organize your thoughts as well as your new work station. Look through all of the expenses you will incur first, then move on to the finances you have set aside. It will take some time to advertise and in the beginning the inflow of money will be slow, so be prepared.

Depending on the type of business you seek, you may need a few people to work for you, but you have not acquired any group or individual health insurance yet. There are start up costs, like rental expense and utilities, but that will depend upon you working in your home or renting office space.

The Metropolitan area of New York is one of a few municipalities that keep a current record of the self employed and the health care acquired. Their findings are astonishing, pointing out how dependent upon the self employed the city has become.

  1. There were 807,750 individuals working entrepreneurs in 2006.
  2. Out of 773,000 additional employments between 1981 and 2006, 491,000 people were in the class of self employment.
  3. These creative people are involved in everything like bookkeeping, landscaping, photography, indoor and outdoor painting and artists.
  4. The number of independent individuals has increased tremendously from 15.4 million in 1997 to a staggering 8 million in 2006 and the numbers have increased even more when you factor in the current year.

The need for stable affordable health insurance has also increased with the demands of the self employed. The majority involved in the health industry have broke tremendous ground with better, more efficient insurance policies for smaller groups of people at reasonable costs. Benefits include:

  1. Hospital care and outpatient surgeries.
  2. Doctor office visits at a percentage of cost (depending on your plan).
  3. Prescription drug coverage, emphasizing Generic brands first.

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